Jennifer’s summer update
Post by Principal Dancer Jennifer Kronenberg
A typical layoff period for MCB dancers can range anywhere between two to three months depending on the season. Though it’s wonderful to have a lengthy vacation after a hard season, it can be difficult to go so long without dancing…and income. Carlos and I typically try to find guest dancing or teaching work during some of our time off, not only to provide for ourselves financially but to keep ourselves busy and in shape.
This year, instead of the long three months off that we had last season, we were lucky enough to have just six weeks between last season’s end and the start of rehearsals for the upcoming season. Carlos and I did dance for the first few weeks, rehearsing for two performances we were invited to participate in at the Virginia School of the Arts for their 25th Anniversary Gala. After that we decided that we needed a break and headed off to the Dominican Republic.
Some may find it strange that we enjoy vacationing in tropical places when we live here in Miami and are at an arm’s length from the beach every day. The fact is though, that we just don’t have the time to take advantage of it…and can never really relax when we’re so close to home; there is always something to do or take care of! So, we ran away to hide…from friends, family, commitments…from life itself, and it was AMAZING!
We had such a fantastic time on our honeymoon four years ago, that it set the standards pretty high for us as far as vacations go. I never really expect to have as great a time as we did then…but this time I was pleasantly surprised. This resort was not nearly as fancy, we didn’t venture out on any excursions, and we didn’t have the “butterfly” tummies of newlyweds, but we simply forgot about the universe and enjoyed each other’s company.
Every day began with a trip to the gym (to work off all of the food we ate!). We then spent the rest of each morning and afternoon lounging on the beach — talking, laughing, sleeping…whatever. It was so nice to be stress free, with no agendas to keep to, no schedules to follow. We shared a terrific couple’s spa treatment one day…massage, rose petal Jacuzzi, champagne, the works! We just talked and talked, and I was reminded how very much in love I am with the man I married. We spend so much time together day after day in the studio that sometimes I forget what he’s like as Carlos the person, separate from Carlos the dancer. Well, this summer I remembered, and I’m so glad that I did. He’s definitely my Romeo…dancing or not.