MCB School’s 5-Week Summer Intensive Wraps Up
The time has come to bid farewell to the Summer Intensive Program students. The stage of MCB’s Lynn and Louis Wolfson, II Theatre was graced with the dancing of these young students yesterday as they showcased what they learned. The entire MCB building was buzzing with excitement. Five weeks of hard work was evident as the serious dance students, ages 12 years and older, displayed their abilities and strengths. Friends and family came from all over the world to watch their favorite dancer.
We are sad to see them go. During the past weeks, the studios and hallways were flowing with vibrancy and positive energy. It was something else to watch students who didn’t even speak the same language come together and form friendships. We’ve been chronicling the Summer Intensive through videos and pictures on MCB School’s Facebook page.
We look forward to having these bright dancers return next summer. Watch out for them! There are big things ahead for our students. Lucky for us, some of them will be training at MCB School during the Winter Program.
But we don’t have to wait until the Winter Program begins in September to have students in the studios! On Monday, the 2-week Summer Program (for 11 & 12-year-olds who are just starting on pointe) begins.