Not many people can say that they’ve been on “America’s Favorite Quiz Show” Jeopardy! But, our very own Grants Associate Leah Blumenfeld can! We asked Leah to give us the inside scoop on this unique, once in a lifetime experience!
See how Leah does on Jeopardy! Tune-in Monday, May 19th at 7:30pm!
Getting to be a contestant on Jeopardy! is a long process. You could say it took me about ten years. I really started making the effort as soon as they began using the online test as part of the process. It’s about 30 questions and takes roughly five minutes and then that’s it. You wait and hope you did well enough to go into the contestant pool, and if you’re really lucky, you become one of the 2,000-3,000 hopefuls who get called for an in-person audition.